If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer.
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0 Kommentarer / 2013-02-08, 18:41:44
Åh vad jag älskar Jim Carrey han är så sjukt bra och rolig :D
Letar filmer som jag inte sett med honom, men tror f*n jag sett alla haha.
Gör flera filmer Jim Carrey ! NUUU !! :P

"Ace Ventura: If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer."
"Ace: Of course. How sssselfish of me. Let's do all the things that YOU wanna do."
"[Ace is going at top speed towards the parking lot]
Fulton Greenwall: Perhaps we should slow down just a teensy-weensy bit?
Ace: Nonsense, Poopy-Pants!"
Fulton Greenwall: Perhaps we should slow down just a teensy-weensy bit?
Ace: Nonsense, Poopy-Pants!"
"Lloyd: Why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?
Mary: How'd you guess?
Lloyd: I saw your luggage. Then when I noticed the airline ticket, I put 2 and 2 together."
Mary: How'd you guess?
Lloyd: I saw your luggage. Then when I noticed the airline ticket, I put 2 and 2 together."
"Harry: [shivering] Lloyd, I can't feel my fingers, they're numb!
Lloyd: Oh well here, take this extra pair of gloves, my hands are starting to get a little sweaty.
Harry: Extra gloves? You've had extra gloves this whole time?
Lloyd: Uh yea, we are in the Rockies. Jeez!"
Lloyd: Oh well here, take this extra pair of gloves, my hands are starting to get a little sweaty.
Harry: Extra gloves? You've had extra gloves this whole time?
Lloyd: Uh yea, we are in the Rockies. Jeez!"
(quotes från Imbd)

Även fastnat och sitter och ser på klipp på youtube med honom, så kul man får skratta lite ;P